Sunday | 08 Sep 2024

Kyriakos Gialoglou


Kyriakos Gialoglou has 20 years’ working experience with focus on energy, environment and EU affairs having held posts both in the private and public sector. Currently he is Director of European Government Affairs for Seawind Ocean Technology, a floating wind turbine developer. Kyriakos is also Expert to the European Economic and Social Committee, in charge of drafting an Opinion on Sustainable Development in Western Balkans. Since 2018, he has been Special Adviser at the International Hellenic University (IHU) attached to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Chair on Conservation (oil, gas and water). He is also Fellow at IHU, coordinating research on management of crises and disasters especially related to climate change and adaptation.

Previously, Kyriakos was EU Affairs Director in charge of strategy and advocacy at Eurogas, the association representing the European natural gas wholesale, retail and distribution sectors. He was also tasked with coordinating the dialogue between European gas majors and Russian gas companies. Kyriakos was the European gas business delegate to the Union for the Mediterranean Platform on Gas, a political process for regional gas market development under the auspices of the European Commission. During his tenure at Eurogas, he was also Vice-chair of GasNaturally, an EU-wide campaign showcasing the importance of gas in the energy transition. Kyriakos represented the gas and oil sectors at international climate change fora, for example at COP21 in Paris and COP23 in Bonn.

Before Eurogas, Kyriakos worked in the European Commission. He was Team Leader for Energy and Consumers. In the Commission, Kyriakos was in charge of policy development (legislation and tools) empowering consumer participation in liberalised retail electricity and gas markets. Prior to joining the European Civil Service, Kyriakos was Adviser to the Board at the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) and the European Regulators Group for Electricity and Gas (ERGEG) (now ACER). Both bodies provide technical advice on energy regulation to the
European Commission. His work centred on wholesale and retail electricity and gas markets and the South-Eastern European regional electricity and gas market.

Kyriakos started his career at the renowned Brussels think tank the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) as Research Fellow in charge of Energy Policy. In CEPS he focused on key questions for energy and environment policy such as electricity and gas regulation, renewable electricity support schemes, security of energy supply, the EU Emissions Trading System and sustainable development. He also worked on innovation related to CCS and CCU, hydrogen and innovation in the EU energy system.

Kyriakos holds an MA in International Political Economy from the University of Warwick and is fluent in English, German, Spanish and French. His mother tongue is Greek.

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