The Euro-Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies – EMNES aims to provide a renewed vision for socio-economic development in the Mediterranean region, mainly focusing on employment creation, social inclusion, sustainable development and regional integration.
EMNES areas of research include the role of institutions, private sector and micro, small and medium sized enterprises and employment creation, role of education, skill mismatch and migration, finance, regulation and the real economy and regional integration.
EMNES produces studies, scientific, policy papers and policygraphics and disseminates through the organization of annual conferences, and workshop meetings bringing together leading researchers, academics, policy makers and representatives of the civil society to discuss and debate optimal policies for the future of the region.
EMNES is built on four core principles: independence, excellence, policy relevance and deep knowledge on Euro-Mediterranean affairs.
EMNES is a network of thirty partners and associates research institutions and think tanks working on the Euro-Mediterranean region. EMNES is funded by the European Union under Grant Contract N° ENPI/2014/354-488 and the EMNES Partners and Associates. Since January 2020, EMNES is coordinated by the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association.