Sunday | 27 Oct 2024


Partnership between LUMSA University and the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA)

Partnership between LUMSA University  and the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA)

“Within the partnership between LUMSA University and the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA) signed in 2018, EMEA offers a scholarship 5,000 euros to a student at the Master of Science in the Management of Sustainable Development Goals (MSDG) of the LUMSA Master School. The scholarship covers 50% of MSDG Master’s cost.

LUMSA is a public non-state Italian university formed on Catholic principles. It is the second oldest university in Rome after Sapienza, and was founded by Luigia Tincani in 1939. LUMSA promotes and supports basic and interdisciplinary research through the University Centre for Research and Internationalization (Centro di Ateneo per la ricerca e l’internazionalizzazione – CARI) and the Ethics Committee for Scientific Research (Comitato Etico per la Ricerca Scientifica – ESRB) whose remit is to evaluate and advise on research proposals submitted by scholars working at LUMSA. These centres support research, seminars and conferences in conjunction with Italian and international colleagues from the most prestigious universities in the world. 

EMEA is an independent think-tank specialized in socio-economic and financial developments in Europe and the South and East Mediterranean. EMEA has an international network of think tanks, research centers, academic institutions and International experts, and aims to contribute decisively to the transition process in the Mediterranean region amidst an unprecedented global financial and economic crisis and geopolitical uncertainties and conflicts. EMEA promoted and co-funded the Euro-Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies (EMNES).”

Link to MSDG Website