Friday | 18 Oct 2024


EMEA alert: EMEA policy during the COVID-19 crisis

Following the measures taken by the Spanish authorities to contain the outbreak of COVIT-19, and for the protection of our resident employees, the office of EMEA in Barcelona will be closed until further notice. All scheduled EMEA and EMNES events and external events’ participations during the months of April and May are postponed to later dates to be confirmed.  EMEA  adopted “Teleworking” as a measure applied to the resident staff members starting from Monday 16 March.

EMEA and EMNES researchers and experts will focus their efforts to the understanding and the mitigation of the socio-economic effects of the COVIT-19  pandemic  in Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa, and the Globe in general.

During this period, you can follow EMEA activities and updates on our website and social media platforms. EMEA weekly monitor will be published every Tuesday and the social media will be updated with EMEA and EMNES studies, papers and news and updates from major think tanks and selected sources informing about and analysing the COVID-19 crisis situation.

Be safe and stay indoors!